
Stockman is a Discord bot that tracks my investment portfolio in real-time, and graphs/visualises its daily and total performance in multiple formats. Stockman can also display the performance of any stock over a given time period. Additionally, it also displays a live ticker of a certain stock as its Discord status updated every minute.


Creation Process


I started an investment portfolio for the first time in 2021, like I’m sure many others did. It’s a fun and chaotic world where data is king. I have my portfolio spread across many different brokers, and I did not want to log in to every single one of them every day just to see how my portfolio was doing. I wanted a centralised location where I could see how everything was doing, without relying on any third-parties . Thus, the idea for Stockman was born.

At its core, Stockman tracks the performance of my portfolio by graphing networth, amount of money invested, networth delta change over time; and a daily profit/loss card. It generates my portfolio by looking through a .CSV file hosted on Google Sheets that contains every single transaction I’ve ever made. With this data, in conjunction with Yahoo Finance and Pandas, it creates a snapshot of exactly what I had in my portfolio at every moment in time ever since I opened my account. Then, with yfinance, Stockman gets the value of each individual asset position on each day, as well as the % change from the previous day, and then also calculates the overall value of my portfolio and it’s % change per day.

This is an amazing approach because it can react to changes in my portfolio in real-time. All I have to do is enter the new transactions, buy or sell, into the Google Sheet spreadsheet, and Stockman automatically gets all the relevant data.

Beyond just tracking my portfolio, I also gave it the ability to graph any asset that can be found on Yahoo Finance over a certain period of time: daily, weekly, monthly, 6 months, or year-to-date. After that, I also thought it would be cool to have Stockman display the price of an asset as its Discord status, alongside an up-arrow/down-arrow indicator, which is updated every minute.

There’s a grand total of 10 seperate Python scripts working together to achieve all this. It may not look like it, but this bot is more complex and has more moving parts than my cryptocurrency bot Currency Thing.

Everything was made in Python by me. Stock data is fetched using the yfinance library, the data processing is done with the mighty Pandas, graphs are charted with Matplotlib, and images are generated with Pillow.

Due to the sensitive nature of this topic, I’m not going to be providing links to the source code, and all screenshots you’ll see are from a fictional portfolio created just to demo Stockman on this website.