
A looping trilogy of interwoven 8bit bangers. Each song is an adventure that references and foreshadows the other songs for a continuous experience. Featuring polymeters, repeating motiffs, and cool riffs.

Inspired heavily by King Gizzard's Nonagon Infinity.

Originally made as the soundtrack for Microscopic Mike, using Logic Pro and nothing but basic synths and some stock plug-in effects. For a deeper look at the projects, check this video presentation.

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Missed A Beat In Your Mind

Missed A Beat

Fast upbeat polymetric song. This song is about playing with time alternating signatures played back to back, that get out of synch with the steady bass. This gives it a feeling of somehow "missing a beat" while still sounding enjoyable and without descending into chaos.

Features two main riffs, in 4/4 and 7/8, played back to back against a constant bassline in 4/4. The bassline plays throughout the entire song, highlighting the desynch between the two time signatures. Hearing the same riffs "out of time" gives it a cool feeling of novelty and adventure, and also of satisfaction when they eventually land on the beat once again.

The chorus-y chords section serves as a "reset" that brings the song back home to normal land before things get too chaotic.

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Slow, brooding song with a heavy fuzzy climax. Serves as a counter to Missed A Beat, forcing listeners to slow down and expect a darker path ahead.

This song is mostly built around a versatile main riff which has several varitations throughout the song. It's played as single notes very slowly at first, then faster in 12/8, and also as power chords in 6/8. As the song progresses, I introduce heavy fuzz, wah wah, and echo delay to make it more intense and climatic until the grand finale is reached. It reaches the point where the pulse wave synthesizer almost sounds like a guitar!

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This one is weird and chaotic and all over the place. It's split into three sections:

The first section carries on the momentum from Crocodile, and is also similar to Missed A Beat since it's based on two fast-paced alternating main riffs.

The section part is a remix of the main memorable melodies from the previous tracks, to tie everything together as we brace for the EP to loop back to the start.

The final section subdues the pacing, and features a more methodical and expected layering of melodies and instruments, in stark contrast to the fast wild chaos of before. This then leads nicely back to Missed A Beat In Your Mind and new loop begins!

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