
20 is a game about dodging an increasingly fast bouncing ball until you reach the eponymous 20 points. The way you get points isn't always the same. To start out, you get 1 point per second, but it evolves into you having to shoot the ball to gain points. Doing so, however, makes the ball get faster and faster!

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Creation Process



This game was created as part of a university exercise about making a game with three levels, where each level would introduce a new mechanic or change an existing one.

In this game, the starting mechanics are that you have to dodge the ball, and that you get a point per second.
On the second level, the shooting mechanic is introduced, and the scoring mechanic is changed so that now you have to shoot the ball to gain points. For the final level, a spinning laser obstacle is added which players will also have to avoid, forcing them to stay constantly moving.

I love making arcadey type games with very simple but extremely versatile mechanics, because you can be constantly expanding on them and using them differently based on the level design, without having to keep adding more and more features. Games with unique levels that each push the core mechanics to their limits and use them in different ways are my favourite thing to make.

All of the game design, programming, art, and sound effects were made by me.