
In Skulls & Mines, you are stuck in a claustrophobic hellish arena, which is relentlessly swamred by ravenous dismebodied flying skulls. Thankfully, you have an unlimited supply of mines! Be careful though, because your mines' explosions will damage the arena and create holes. Would be a shame if you were to fall into one...

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Creation Process


This game was created as part of a university exercise about making a game with five increasingly hard levels, where only one variable is changed between them. In this game, it is the size of the mine's explosions (and thus the size of the holes they create).

I instantly began brainstorming and jotting down several ideas when this task was assigned, and this one was only like the fourth or fifth thing I came up with. I went it because I felt it was the most unique approach to the concept, unlike simply changing the amount of ammo, or enemies, and whatnot.

I really like the concept of giving players fun and powerful tools and weapons with theoretically unlimited uses, but also giving them a good reason to not use them all the time. Thus, I came up with the idea for the holes. This means that every time you use your mines, you shrink the arena and create obstacles for yourself, forcing you to think very strategically about not only when to use your mines, but also where. I think this type of mechanic creates much more dynamic and strategic gameplay rather than simply limiting a player’s ammo.

Overall the game was a lot of fun to make, people seemed to really like it, and I intended on working further into this project when I have the time!

All of the game design, programming, art, music, and sound effects were made by me.