
Research Thesis where I analysed players' approach to character creation when their character design directly impacts their gameplay stats.

Will players strive to max out their stats or to create an artistic masterpiece as they fight a horde of monsters?

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Creation Process


“Letting Players Draw Their Own Character: Artistic Expression VS Gameplay Strategy” was the Bachelor thesis which I wrote in June of 2023 to graduate from my Digital Games BA at the Cologne Game Lab. Alongisde my game project Chroma Mancer, it earned me the highest grade.

The goal for this thesis was to observe how players would approach character creation in a video game where their gameplay stats are entirely based on how they create their character; as well as trying to understand if there is any underlying reason for their choices. This study was conducted with a sample size of 21 volunteer playtesters, using my game Chroma Mancer. Would players focus on creating a unique and personalised character? Or would they not care at all and strive for maxing out their stats? Read my thesis to find out! :D

Based on my findings*, the short and shocking answer is that:

When given a blank canvas for avatar creation with gameplay significance, players will try to
create something aesthetically pleasing - even when they claim they didn’t intend to.

This idea came about because there has been extensive literature written focusing solely on the visual appearance of a player’s avatar, without considering any gameplay implication of a player’s created character. My thesis aimed to address this glaring gap and shed light into a new area of player avatar research.

*These observations are nevertheless not conclusive or universal, merely a first glimpse into this field, and more studies with larger participant groups are required.

Read my Thesis